Keeping It Real

Namaste (nä-mə-stā) is a sacred greeting announcing, “ The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in you.” Accompanied with the hands in praying position and a slight bow of the head, this is a most beautiful Soul-to-Soul acknowledgment. To see the Soul in the person to whom we are extending the Namaste, we must first acknowledge the Soul that we are and o er the greeting from our Soul (Self) awareness. “ The whole, complete, and Divine in me recognizes and acknowledges the whole, complete, and Divine in you.” In this, we are One in At-One-Ment with each other.

Few things are more disorienting (and disturbing) than a Soulless Namaste, or as I like to call it, Faux-maste. If you’re going to offer or receive a Namaste, make it a conscious, intentional, authentic Soulful experience. Integrity is key.

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