Own Your Shift

A key component to feeling stuck, or worse, helpless, is the unconscious practice of surrendering our power to external influences. Another loop we get stuck in is the “If they would only change, then I could … ( fill in the blank).” As much as we would like to believe we would be happier, healthier, wealthier, etc., if only our spouse, children, coworkers, government, etc., would change, this isn’t going to happen. What we are really saying is, “If only everyone else would behave the way I want and need them to behave, then I could be happy.” That’s just plain delusional and a complete cop-out. We cannot control other people or external events. We can, however, control how we choose to show up in our thoughts, words, and actions. In fact, how we are showing up is the only thing we can control. The sooner we get real about this, the better off we’ll be and the more influential we will be in reclaiming our humanity. When we remember who we are as whole, complete, and Divine, we show up in the world as an asset rather than a liability, an inspiration for the change we desire. 

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