Pay Attention To The Basic Signs

One way to get in the practice of paying attention to the less-obvious signs the Universe is offering is to take note of the obvious signs right in front of us—literally. For example, how about becoming conscious and intentional of making complete stops at stop signs (and stoplights). I know; I can hear you. What the hell does stopping at a stop sign have to do with reclaiming our humanity? A reminder: If we can’t even follow basic, obvious guidance, posted on physical tangible signs, how on earth will we follow the more subtle signs and guidance of our internal intuitive GPS? The habit of making full stops at stop signs is a simple yet profound way of retraining ourselves into the practice of looking for, paying attention to, and honoring road signs, whether they be literal or figurative. So much of the chaos in the world is not a surprise given how many people are checked-out and unconscious to physical and intuitive signs while navigating basic daily life. Let’s get back on track by retraining ourselves to follow the obvious signs posted around us, which are intended to keep us safe and lead us successfully to our destinations. This practice will assist us in developing a keener awareness of the obvious signs that have always been present, as well as becoming sensitive to the more subtle signs not so easily spotted with the human eye. In this, we also reduce the opportunities for being sideswiped because we were checked-out. Reclaiming our humanity requires we be present in our own journey, ready and willing to follow the signs along the path, all of which are in place to keep us on course.

Extra Credit: Get back in the practice of using your turn signals when making a change of direction or shifting lanes. Letting people in on your intentions helps them to help you move more safely in achieving your intention. Some of my clients have argued against the use of turn signals, claiming that it’s not their job to inform other people of their every move. Not using turn signals is their inner rebel’s way of “sticking it to the man.” I invite these clients to consider retiring their Rebel Without a Cause resistance and put that energy into something that contributes to the advancement of humanity. As over-simplified as it may sound, the communication skill set of a person is revealed by how they use their turn signals. We have a lot of fun with this conversation in my workshops. Okay, better put, I have a lot of fun with this conversation in my workshops.

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