Don’t Shoot The Messenger

Angels can take on many forms (not all of them have wings) and show up in the most unlikely of places (you can count on that.) So we have to be at the ready with our willingness to be present, to listen, to receive, and to appreciate. Our life experience becomes enriched when we expect the unexpected and are willing to dance with it when it shows up. Allow yourself to consider that everyone who choses your path could be an angel with a message.

Our physical eyes rarely tell us the truth about what we are looking at, and our mind is navigating our eyes through the filters of emotions informed by our past experiences. What may look to us like one thing may be something else entirely. To feel more confident in our ability identify Divine encounters when they show up, we can develop our vibe-scanning skills. Training ourselves to check in with our gut feeling and doing what I call a vibe-check gives us a more accurate read on the situation.

In a pocket-sized notebook, keep a record of your vibe (intuitive) hits. By documenting these vibe-scanning hits you creating a database of evidence to support you in building your confidence to rendezvous with more angelic messengers.

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