Launching Them To Greatness
Profoundly mentor Upcoming generations Into their greatness
Launching Them To Greatness Read More »
Profoundly mentor Upcoming generations Into their greatness
Launching Them To Greatness Read More »
A key component to feeling stuck, or worse, helpless, is the unconscious practice of surrendering our power to external influences. Another loop we get stuck in is the “If they would only change, then I could … ( fill in the blank).” As much as we would like to believe we would be happier, healthier,
When we pray in fear, we can only attract and hear answers and guidance that match our fear. This is so, not because our prayers are unworthy of being heard and answered by a punitive and exclusivist God—good heavens no. Our prayers are always answered by an all-Loving and all-Powerful Creator. We just can’t hear
Tuning In To Your Highest Good. Read More »
Imagine the vast ocean as Source; imagine the waves as extensions of Source. The ocean is always the ocean, and sometimes the ocean expresses itself as waves—fanning over the surface of the beach and then withdrawing back into the vast Source from which it extended. The ebb and flow of the surf is the eternal