Begin taking steps to become a cooperative component in your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. The best preventative medicine is to do more of what you Love. Most diseases are diagnosed well into the manifestation of the disorder, suggesting that most diseases are unconsciously manifested and become a conscious experience only after being diagnosed. This perspective makes sense, for who in their right mind would consciously create a disease? Doing more of what we Love as a way of life is a more preventative than reactive form of medicine.
The human body is susceptible to falling out of alignment with its wiring for health and wellness. That’s a fact. However, because of how the brain is wired and its part in the design of the physical body as a whole, there is a built-in course-corrective component for realignment into its natural state of health and wellness. This powerful component is our mind. Bottom line: when we are in a chronic state of Love, we attract and manifest in-kind. When we are in a chronic state of not-Love, we attract and manifest in-kind. It’s that simple … and that complex.
Now, to be responsible, it is important to understand that disease happens, and it is part of the human physical body experience. However, it is possible to de-manifest the range of diseases and the medications required to address these diseases by a considerable amount. Patients are baffling doctors all the time with miraculous recoveries and healing. In almost all of the cases (in ALL of these cases), the patient’s shift in consciousness triggers the healing process. The patient changes their mind, the brain sends different signals, and the cells of the body respond. Think of the brain as a computer, the cells as computer programing, and the mind as the computer programmer. In medicine, being a tool of this physical world, a temporary and profound support system is established to aid the healing process. The key to effective medicine is the alignment of the mind with health and wellness.
Some will argue it is not possible to cure a disease just because we change our mind about the disease. And they would be correct. If we create what we give our focus to, whether we want it or not, we have to change our mind about our health and wellness, not the disease, and turn our focus to only our health and wellness.