When we pray in fear, we can only attract and hear answers and guidance that match our fear. This is so, not because our prayers are unworthy of being heard and answered by a punitive and exclusivist God—good heavens no. Our prayers are always answered by an all-Loving and all-Powerful Creator. We just can’t hear the all-Loving and all-Powerful voice of the Creator when we are locked into fear-listening. We are much like transistor radios in that if we are dialed up to KFEAR when we pray, and the answer to our prayers is being broad- cast on KFAITH, all we’re going to hear is static. To receive the answer to our prayers accurately, we must first change our frequency setting to align with the broadcast (God-cast, if you will) of the higher guidance.
It is understandable how, when we are in the mental and energetic loop of fear, it is not always a clear path to adjusting our alignment. It’s part of the human experience to forget and then to remember our birthright of our direct connection to Source. Fortunately, the genius of Source has provided an option by which answers and guidance can reach us through alternate means. Charity, for example, in its purest form, is God’s way of gifting to us, through others, that which we believe we are unable to manifest for ourselves. Not because we are unworthy of God’s direct guidance but because, in our fear, we cannot hear the guidance that is at our fingertips.
The same can be said for how we cast our vote. We vote for the candidate and issues that are the closest vibrational match for our chronic vibrational mindset. We vote to elect messengers to represent us in the political and governing structure. The personalities we elect to office could then be likened to mirror reflections of our collective mindset: poster children for the chronic cultural mindset.
Because of this, it is profoundly important that the representatives we attract are vetted to be as free of filters and agendas that run counter to our health, wellness, and humanity as is humanly possible. We become conscious and cautious in our choices because we understand how surrendering our personal power over to unvetted external influence can jeopardize our individual and collective emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellness. And in this, our humanity is compromised.
This awareness applies to both our religious and political climates. We attract what we focus on, whether we want it or not. If we want “better,” we have to do “better” by Being “better.” The starting point of this shift in consciousness begins always, and in all ways, with our thoughts, words, and actions—our most profound and influential tools and the only tools we have control over.
It is important to consider there is more good than not-good in the world, by far. More awakened and awakening people are in the world than we know, by far. There are more opportunities for Divine interactions than not, by far. The only difference in our experience of the thriving or surviving version of our humanity is in how we use our minds. Change our minds, and we change our world.
Bottom line: Be conscious and intentional to check in with your emotional and vibrational offering before launching your prayer and casting your vote. Aim high for the benefit of all concerned. Understand that like attracts like, and we can raise the vibration of our offering with the confidence that we are cooperative components in manifesting the highest potential of our humanity.