Welcome to Talk Story Café

No One Gets A Second Time Around

While on a recent trip to NYC, I attended a performance of the Broadway musical KIMBERLY AKIMBO. It was a magical night of live theater; full of heart, hard-truths, love, humanity, and hope. I felt all the big-feels through tears of expanded joy, deep sadness, and great appreciation. (I was an ugly-cry mess, for all

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Talent; It’s A Soul Mission

From our human, physical world perspective, our Mission is a platform on which our contribution to the evolution of humanity is articulated into the world. Consider your vocation, your volunteer work, and any and all creative expression as a Mission vehicle. Where we get distracted from remembering our Purpose is when we question what we

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Let There Be Peace On Earth, And Let It Begin With Me.

Is world peace possible? Absolutely. Will we achieve world peace? Not likely; there are too many variables to consider. In order to achieve world peace we would first have to rally around one definition to reference as a model for world peace. Instead, how about we aim for a sense-of-peace throughout the world. This IS

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Filling Hope

Hope without action is like a cannoli without filling. Nice shell, but what’s the point? This would be a good time to check-in with how our thoughts, words, and action are either an asset or a liability in support of what we have created and what we hope to create. If we don’t like what

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One Person

When people ask the question “What difference can one person make?”, and allow themselves to be a (vibrational) match for the answer, effective actions will become obvious. The difference we can make is found beyond the problem. Having identified the problem, our part is to (vibrationally) align ourselves with the yet-to-be-known answer. However we choose

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Prove To Believe, Believe To Prove

For science to discover or prove the existence of something, the something had to exist prior to being discovered or proven, in order for science to have discovered and proven its existences. There are people who need proof to believe something exists, and people who believe something exists so it can be proven. Either way,

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Bella Wafer

In mid-October we attended a friend’s wedding in Cancun, Mexico. Destination weddings are always an adventure; traveling to—and exploring—unfamiliar terrain, meeting new people, and participating in one on life’s more sacred experiences. With the exception of a few members of the wedding party, we were the only non-family members in attendance. Our part as guests,

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Stop Learning, Stop Evolving

When we stop learning, we stop evolving. When we stop evolving, atrophy sets in, our creative soul goes on life-support, and our humanity starts to rot. When we are willing to learn something new about someone, someplace, or something, our thoughts, words, and actions align with our connectedness, or At-One-Ment. We’re not as far off

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Be Willing Not To Fit In.

I love my café time. Today I witnessed (overheard) a number of conversations, each exploring a variety of ways to be more effective in mastering a specific modality of business communication. Each person shared about the (perceived) obstacles and limitations they encountered while navigating the specific model they were committed to emulating. As I experienced

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