Our Birthright To BEing.

Direct access to BEing, as an obtainable and sustainable experience of self, will remain an illusive goal until it is addressed and accepted at our most basic and eternal truth. BEing is not something to be sought after or achieved, but rather, a birthright to be remembered. 

People can, and do, spend entire lifetimes seeking, wanting and hoping to achieve access to the experience of unfiltered BEing. Likewise, people can, and have, spent a moment in unobstructed clarity and–having become finders–experience BEing achieved instantaneously within a single breath. The difference is in which version of ourselves we bring to the process and the set of mid-filters through which we see and experience what is possible for ourselves.

The journey in navigating the gap between seeking and finding is less about surviving the human experience in order to “some day” be worthy of (fill in the gap); and all about thriving through the human experience with our worthiness as a given, and the experience of (fill in the gap) having already been achieved. The facts of our human experience do not change, however, our experience of ourself navigating our human experience is–in a most extraordinary way–profoundly transformed.

The path we take through our human physical world experience is not to be held up in comparison and judgement to anyone or anything. Each path is lined with opportunities to honor and support each individual’s soul-lessons and soul-agreements. The opportunities along the path may be set, however, how we choose to experience the journey is our free will. All roads lead to Rome, as the saying goes, and all paths lead home to BEing remembered. At any moment on our journey we can change our mind about who we think we are and what we believe is possible. We can “turn on a dime” from seeking to finding, surviving to thriving, from being on a journey to BEing the journey. 

Achieving BEing is simple, it’s natural, it flows; it is our birthright. Avoiding BEing, is complicated, unnatural, it calcifies; it impedes our statues as trust-fund babies of a most abundant, loving, and generous Universe. 

When we are ready, willing, and able to make the transition from being a seeker and BEing a finder, all we have to do is remember Who you are as the whole, complete, and Divine extension and expression of pure positive Source energy–the source of everything and the energy that creates worlds.  

“That’s all well and good, but HOW do I do that?!” (I can hear you.)

When you are ready, willing, and able to make the transition from being a seeker and BEing a finder, all you have to do is say to yourself, “I remember Who I AM as the whole, complete, and Divine extension and expression of pure positive Source energy.” (PERIOD)

“It can’t be THAT simple!” (I can still hear you.) 

It is that simple, and that effective.

Say, “I AM  the whole, complete, and Divine extension and expression of pure positive Source energy.”

“Why does this seem so hard to do?”

Releasing our resistance to the natural flow of  the Universe is the hardest work we will every do. However, with practice you will begin to release resistance and understand how simple (I never said easy) it is for you to start experiencing it for yourself. Your first step is to get out of your head and stop arguing for your limitations. 

For now just say the words.

“I AM  the whole, complete, and Divine extension and expression of pure positive Source energy.”

The more you practice saying the words, the less charged with resistance they become, clearing the mind-space to reveal our birthright and natural state of BEing. 

1 thought on “Our Birthright To BEing.”

  1. This is such a beautifully simple and strong message, Peter. It’s so true — “I AM” is the most effective way to access our birthright of pure abundance.

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