A Course In Miracles suggests we are never angry for the reasons we think. In this, we are invited to consider how, having surrendered our personal power over to external influences, we ignorantly hold these influences responsible for our internal discomfort. However, if we were to get real about what is actually going on; backtrack fare enough to the authentic source of our discomfort, we would see how our discomfort is sourced in having surrendered our power over to external influences. It is in the avoidance of taking responsibility for self-regulating our own health and wellness, and holding ourselves accountable for aligning with our own thriving potential, that we have fallen out of integrity with our individual, and collective, birthright to thrive.
We could backtrack through the layers of intricate details of how we have subconsciously positioned ourselves to be so off track from our thriving potential. And that would generate results. However, this route is more in alignment with attempting to solve a problem from within the problem, keeping us focused on the problem as a problem. The effort and energy invested in this, far exceed the value of the results. No judgement, a step forward is a step forward.
However, the process could be more efficient and effective, less traumatizing and derailing, and fueled with purpose and a more forward moving payoff, if we choose to work smarter rather than working harder by cutting to the chase and starting with the punch line.
The punchline; We are whole, complete, and Divine extensions and expressions of pure positive Source energy.
Wired to thrive; two of our greatest gifts from our Source are life-force and free will. Both are ours to navigate and nurture as we choose. We cannot control external influences, however, we do have total control over choosing how we experience external influences. Life happenings will still happen, and we will still feel what we feel, however, sometimes just knowing we have a choice to navigate our human experience from our Source awareness perspective, can ease a sense of hopelessness and defeat with an infusion of possibility.
If we are never angry for the reasons we think, it would serve us well to remember the truth of who we are as whole, complete, Divine expressions and extensions of pure positive Source, and use this awareness as our vetting system for how much control of our thriving potential we choose to surrender over to external influences.