
At-One-Ment | Reclaiming Our Humanity

At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity​

At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity is a conversation and experience through a process of practical application designed to realign us with a healed version of our individual and, by proxy, collective humanity.

Our humanity didn’t go anywhere, it didn’t disappear, and we didn’t displace it; rather, at some point, we got distracted from honoring it at its core and nurturing it at the soul level.

With straight talk, talk story, and action points as his power tools, Peter J Hughes extends an insightful, humorous, at times no-nonsense, and at all times heartfelt invitation. He invites us to take an active part in jumpstarting our individual contribution and course-correcting our collective potential to launch the next soulful expression in the evolution of our humanity.


90 sec book trailer

3min extended book trailer. 

Endorsements for At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity

"This book is the vehicle on which my prayer for humanity is carried into the world."


In his book At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity, Peter J Hughes summons us with a wake-up call to reclaim the heart and soul of our humanity. Through straight talk, insightful storytelling, and practical action points, Peter’s delightful and often wicked sense of humor, direct yet loving guidance, and old soul wisdom help make waking up to our higher potential a nurturing as well as powerful transition. You must read this now!

Sonia Choquette, New York Times Best Selling Author of The Answer Is Simple Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit and Ask Your Guides

At-One-Ment is an exceptional book that will lighten your heart and feed your soul. Through humor, relatable stories, and deep wisdom, Peter teaches how to understand life both within and outside of yourself. The flow, the guidance, and the energy behind the words will change your soul.

— Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN, The Imagine Project,

A longtime seeker of personal transformation, I am excited and inspired by this beautiful, sensitive guidebook. From cave drawings to allegories and fables, stories capture and catapult the human experience. Peter Hughes illustrates through story how simple actions, grounding us in the present, will transform us and our perceptions-if we allow and by consequence, transform our greater world. With much anticipation, I look forward to my own evolving At-One-Ment, putting each Action Point into daily practice. By savoring each moment on our journey to joy and surrender, we are led to happy, fulfilled thriving!

— Marianne Wunch, Film Producer

For those prepared to generate more love, abundance, and joy in their lives, At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity is a great guide. Peter’s straight talk, lighthearted stories, and action points inspire us to remember the light within ourselves as well as how to share our unique gifts with the world.

— Sydney Price, Founder and CEO, The Knew Purpose

With humor, compassion, and deep honesty, Peter J Hughes lays out a practical and inspiring guide for how we might show up with soulful purpose to meet the challenges of our times. As a practicing psychologist, I appreciate Peter’s deep insight into what it takes to shift from our old stories to new, or reclaimed, versions of ourselves. In my role as an adult educator, I am awed by his ability to convey concepts so that they connect with people on a cognitive, emotional, and spiritual level, all at once. Peter’s light shines bright. As a long-lived seeker, I find his guidance to be transformational.

— Helen Hand, PhD, Pres. Colorado Free University

Available Now

At-One-Ment 52 Card Deck

The At-One-Ment 52 card deck is designed to support you in further exploring, nurturing, and implementing the concepts and action points presented in At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity. The deck includes one card for each of the twelve chapter-themes and the thirty-six action points; with four additional cards introducing the Key Insight and Three Tools which serve as the foundation for the At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity conversation and experience.


At-One-Ment, Book and Card Deck Combo

The At-One-Ment, Reclaiming Our Humanity Book and 52 Card Deck are now available for purchase as a combo. Keep the book at your work desk or on your nightstand for more in-depth exploration of the StraightTalk, Talk Story and Action Points. Carry the cards with you during the day for bit-size performance enhancing support in reclaiming our humanity is a way of life.

Our At-One-Ment and the reclaiming of our humanity is a work in progress. You are invited to implement and acclimate to the guidance in the 52 card deck at your own pace. The intention is to master your way into alignment with effective action. Love is key to mastering this process, and that includes, first and foremost, Loving yourself.

Coming Fall 2024

In his book, At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity, Peter J Hughes invites us–through Straight Talk, Talk Story and Action Points–to take an active part in jumpstarting our individual and by proxy our collective contribution to the soulful evolution of our humanity. 


In his companion book At-One-Ment: More Tools And Insights For Reclaiming Our Humanity, Peter dissects this invitation into bite-sized pieces for a deeper exploration and rediscovery of our birthright to thrive. With the introduction of the performance enhancing Key Insight and Three Tools, and the Talk Story Journal, we take a journey through identifying where we are in-alignment and out-of-alignment with our thriving potential. From this new perspective we are better positioned to change our mind about what we believe is possible, for ourselves and by proxy everyone. 


At-One-Ment: More Tools And Insights For Reclaiming Our Humanity is a guided tour, during which we will iron out the wrinkles in the roadmap of our life, and examine how, by changing our mind about what we believe is possible, we can course-correct our thoughts, words, and actions into alignment with our At-One-Ment, the reclaiming of our humanity, and direct access to our thriving potential.

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