Energy Suckers

Energy suckers are people who, doubting their potential, feed on the energy of others rather than tapping into their own life-force. Because they believe they need to feed on the energy of others, they are always on the lookout for a source of life-force to hook up to. We’re not interested in being someone’s energy “juice box.” So, we need to be conscious and intentional about being as unattractive as possible to energy vampires. Knowing how to read people’s energy and having confidence in our ability to do so is a great foundation. However, it doesn’t hurt to have a little extra backup support. First, just as with the vampires in horror movies, the number one rule for energy vampires is: They have to be invited into your home to gain access. No Invite = Access Denied. Second rule: Like vampires, the energy sucker cannot see his/her reflection in a mirror. If you are not available to engage, you cannot be a source of reflection (and oh, how the energy sucker longs to gaze upon his/her reflection).

My formal training as a professional intuitive has prepared me for such encounters. As a spiritual teacher and change facilitator, it is imperative that I be unavailable (even unattractive) to potential Energy Suckers, who tend to take facilitators and entire classes hostage with their need to feed on external sources. We never surrender our personal power over to anyone else. Not so much to protect ourselves from energy predators, though that is part of it, but rather to hold ourselves accountable for managing ourselves in our potential. No one else can do this work for us, claim our personal power for us, or sustain our personal power for us. It’s an inside job.

No matter how tempting it is, and the temptation is overwhelming at times, it is never appropriate for our individual or collective well-being to surrender our power over to an authority figure—whether political, religious, employer, friend, or family. A powerful teacher/leader of integrity will never ask us to surrender our personal power over to the altar of their ego. Instead, the empowering teacher/leader of integrity will stand in the fire with us—never for us—with non-attachment, holding us accountable for claiming, owning, and sustaining our highest potential fully-realized.

During a meditation on this topic, I was visiting with the Master Teachers and inquired what they wanted us to know about their teachings that we were not yet clear on, that which our getting clear on would change everything.

“We were not looking to create followers. We were, however, intending to manifest colleagues.”

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