The At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity is conversation and experience designed to support us in the personal process of aligning ourselves with the highest potential of our individual humanity and, by proxy, our collective potential. When we understand that we cannot give what we do not have, we see how important and valuable it is to invest the effort in our self-alignment first, claim our internal healed humanity, and then be the change we wish to see in the world. Then and only then will we achieve a sustainable alignment with our highest potential fully-realized.
The main portion of the book is divided into Four Parts, with each Part containing three chapters. Each chapter is broken down into three sections: Straight Talk, which sets up the main idea and intention of the chapter; Talk Story, which expands on the idea through short-story form; and three suggested Action Points to put the idea on its feet and into action.
The Talk Story and Action Points shared in At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity are designed to support us in a progressive alignment process. Though the chapters are a whole and complete invitation and instruction in and of them- selves, they are designed to build on each other in a progression of sustainable results. Because of this, I recommend starting at the beginning with the guidance and instruction of the first chapter and Action Points and working your way through the chapters in order. However, if you are inspired to navigate the process more randomly, please, by all means, feel free to do so. All that is asked of you is to give the processes a chance, invest the effort to implement the Action Points, and gift yourself the opportunity to adjust and acclimate to a shift in perspective while intending to manifest sustainable results.
As part of the research and development prior to publication, a four-part workshop series for the book provided an opportunity to test the effects of the At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity conversation and experience. In these work- shops, participants found, to varying degrees, the content and guidance to be informational, inspirational, and transformational. Considering that each participant would bring to the workshop experience their own set of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual filters, I was interested to see how accessible and effective the process would be. I found that the degree to which people were willing to try something new and work through resistance greatly influenced the degree to which each manifested significant and sustainable results. Across the board, each participant experienced, to varying degrees, a shift in self-aware- ness and an awakening to a broader perspective of personal and collective potential. For some, it was a slight shift, and for others, a profound shift. In every case, participants got out of the workshop equal to what they were willing and able to invest.
If, going through the book, you find yourself becoming anxious, distracted, and disinterested, do an authentic check-in with yourself and be clear whether you are unconsciously self-sabotaging your efforts and resisting manifesting life-changing results. Faced with the threat of change, the ego and intellect can be clever in their passive-aggressive efforts to gaslight your focus away from being effective. For instance, you might try to convince yourself you are too busy to make time for practicing the Action Points. However, the Action Points are designed to apply as part of your daily schedule; that’s how we change the habit. It doesn’t take more time to apply the Action Points. It does, however, take more conscious intention on your part. Do not be deceived by their perceived simplicity. The Action Points are potent in their ability to generate effective results in mind-shift training. Be gentle with yourself and stay the course. Remember, your ego wouldn’t be resisting if you weren’t queuing up for a profound shift.
Though this process is intended to support anyone with a willingness and desire to reclaim our humanity, I understand it will not be everyone’s cup of tea. I am totally good with that. If you find this conversation is not a match for you, and you are authentically not interested in this process, then do yourself a great service and don’t push it. Don’t waste your energy and time chewing and stewing over what didn’t work for you, or why.
As I tell my clients, I have no attachment to if this doesn’t work for you, or why it doesn’t. What I care about and what I’m passionate about is that you find what does work for you. Please don’t get hung up on or distracted by what you don’t want or what doesn’t work for you. Instead, always give your focus to and invest your energy in your continued search of what does work—for you.
So, if this is not for you, put the book down, put your hands in the air, and slowly back away. Consider, instead, paying it forward to someone you feel might appreciate it. Move on to something else that could be the “perfect” something that does suit you and be glad for the opportunity to know what doesn’t work for you.
However, if you do feel a connection to the process (and resistance, in a way, is a form of connection), keep moving forward, implementing the Action Points with the intention to master the process of reclaiming your humanity.