Stepping Up On Purpose, Part Three

Deepak Chopra’s lecture series The Higher Self, references the idea that it takes three generations to change a belief. I was intrigued by this concept and explored it further. I came to consider how the first generation of the belief-shifting process identifies a disconnect with the old belief yet continues to support (enforce) it. The second generation, having grown restless, rejects the old belief and rises up in resistance, triggering a period of chaos during which new possibilities are considered. The third generation, having been liberated from the old belief as truth and having navigated a process of elimination, starts to settle into ideas that are a more appropriate fit for the evolution of the individual and the collective. In my classes, I use the example of wandering through the desert for forty years in search of the Promised Land. In this metaphor, we consider how the Promised Land is not so much a literal place but rather a mindset, a belief. The forty-year journey is the journey of the three generations it takes to change a belief. The Promised Land is always available; however, it is not accessible until we can see it, and we are unable to see it until we have chosen to believe it. When enough of the third generation (about 52 percent of the tribe) aligns with the new thinking, we arrive at a tipping point that speeds up the momentum of the belief-shift process. When the collective is on board with the new thinking, they embrace the new belief and reveal the Promised Land. This shift shows the power of positive group thought, the influence of our connectedness, the potential of our At-One-Ment, and the reclaiming of our humanity.

The idea of group thought, connectedness, and At-One-Ment of our humanity reminded me of another analogy I had heard over the years from a number of sources. In this analogy, we are invited to consider how we must work together to sustain alignment with the health and wellness of our humanity, much like the cells of our body work together to sustain alignment with physical health and wellness. When the cells are at war with each other, imbalance and chaos set in and lead to disease, which, if not healed, leads to death. Similarly, humans can work together to align with a sustainable health and well- ness of our humanity body. When humans work against each other, imbalance and chaos set in and lead to disease, which, if not healed, leads to self-destruction.

What if, starting with ourselves and projecting through the collective, we could self-select out of our diseased belief of separation and self-select into the beliefs that support our natural state of Oneness? What might be possible if, through choosing our atonement, our all-inclusive connection with Divine Source, we could achieve our At-One-Ment, our all-inclusive connection with each other? And, what could we create if, from our place of At-One-Ment, we were to claim our humanity at its highest potential fully-realized?

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