Last time we met I shared with you some insight into the first of the, three, most frequently asked questions people want to Talk Story about; being in the right job, relationship, etc? The answer was simple, “Yes.” If we were supposed to be somewhere else, doing something else, we would be there, Now, doing it.
Clarity of purpose is the second most sought after insight for which people are hungry to receive guidance. I have to be honest, this is probably my favorite topic to explore. Facilitating people through the journey to a breakthrough around purpose is a most profound, precious, and sacred process.
Similar to the first question, about being in the right place and doing the right thing, the answer to the question about purpose is simple, clear, and straightforward. And, like the answer to the first question, there is work to be done to align our listening with the answer so we may hear, claim,
and sustain its profound simplicity.
Clearly and simply stated, our purpose is to remember Who we are as the whole, complete, and Divine extension and expression of pure positive Source energy; and, navigate our physical-life physical-world experience from this Source awareness perspective.
That’s it. That’s all of it. And that is the ALL of it.
This answer is usually a bit too straight forward for most people, so we take a few steps back and come at it a few more times, putting a little more breathing space between asking the question and aligning with the answer.
I address this topic extensively in Chapter Twelfth of my book At-One-Ment: Reclaiming Our Humanity. The topic is appropriately positioned in this final chapter as it takes working through the previous eleven chapters to align our listening with the guidance around purpose. I make this point to give you a sense of the mind-set shift required to position ourselves in what I call the sacred space of clear listening. It is in this unfiltered clear listening we are able to hear, understand, and connect with our Divine purpose.
Yes, folks, this is the conversation I’m having in my mind when you see me seated causally in the cafe sipping on a cappuccino.
I invite you to consider the answer to the question about purpose is not the big mystery we think it is, or the big struggle we believe it needs to be. The answer is pretty straight forward and clear. What we do with this awareness, however, is the question which calls forth the answer we’re looking for—the answer of which pivots our focus and points us in the direction of the life-experience of we are hungry to connect with.
We’ll explore this further at our next Talk Story Café visit. For now, take some time to be with the guidance around our purpose being to remember Who we are as whole, complete, and Divine extensions and expressions of pure positive Source energy. Be willing to consider what it will be like to navigate our physical-life physical-world experience from this Source awareness perspective. Trust me, this will give you plenty to chew on.
I look forward to meeting you back here next time at Talk Story Café when we will explore how we may take this understanding of purpose and use it as a launching platform from which to address the third most frequently asked question, “Why does life have to be so hard?”