Stepping Up On Purpose, Part Two

I find comfort in knowing we are all works in progress and am humbled in accepting that, as far as I have come in my awakening process, there is always more life to explore and more clarity to unveil. This discovery is one reason why I love doing my purpose work of teaching and facilitating; we teach what we know, and by teaching it, we know more.

Sitting on the side of the bed that morning in November 2016, I knew I had my part to do, my part assigned to me by God in God’s plan. For now, that part looked like pressing the reset button on our humanity. I was practiced in changing my mind about what’s possible for myself, and I had years of experience in facilitating people in changing their minds about what was possible for themselves. Now, it seemed I was being called into service in a way I had not yet considered. I was being guided to reach beyond the intimate classroom, the borders of my cozy office, and the creative cocoon of the rehearsal space. I would be stepping up on purpose, as I had never stepped up before, in search of the Light of our humanity, the Soul of our potential. And even though I didn’t know where this journey would take me, I had my Light to lead the way, and I trusted it.

Throughout human history, each dark age has been followed by a renaissance, a time of reinventing ourselves and the expression of our humanity. Our current situation and the unknown of what is yet to come are no exception. The sense of pending chaos and struggle I felt that morning was so intense; I knew this was something we had to go through, and there was no way around it. My thriving training had taught me that at such times as this, it served me well to reference one of my favorite default questions in any situation: “What is this all trying to show me, the seeing of which will change everything?” This question always pivots me in the direction of the answers that move me forward, lifting me out of feeling overwhelmed and stuck and raising me into the possibility that comes with change.

I was curious how I could position myself to thrive through this dark age, which would, by Divine design, lead us to the next renaissance and new expression of our humanity. I consid- ered the questions: “Who do I want to be on the other side of this, and who can I start being now to prepare myself to be ready and able to claim and sustain it when I get there?” From here, I was inspired to look at how we, as a collective humanity, can begin the process of unlearning what we have accepted as the truth of how the real world works. If what we have been taught to think influenced the boundaries of what we had come to accept as possible, and if what we had come to believe was possible informed what we accepted as the truth, then what would it take for us to begin introducing new thoughts, which would evolve into new beliefs, which would emerge as our new truth(Please read that through several times until it flows, and you feel it “click” for you.)

There was a time not that long ago when people accepted as truth the belief that the Earth was flat. And why not? There was no reference to support thinking or believing otherwise … until there was. Today, though some still believe it to be flat, this idea seems absurd to most. Yet when a flat world is all you know, you don’t know to know something else. Had the Earth changed its shape when the new facts were introduced? Of course not. Did the old belief about the shape of our planet shift when the new thought, informed from a broader perspective, was introduced? Yes. It took a while, and a number of people were imprisoned and/or executed for challenging the old belief in the process, but over time, people would begin to teach the new thought, accept the new belief, and settle into the new truth.

If we have landed where we are today because of our chronic unconscious individual and collective thinking, then what would it take to consciously change our thoughts about who we think we are, redefine our potential, and be willing to tap into a version of ourselves not yet considered? With my curiosity ignited, these questions filled my waking hours and paraded through my dreams at night. 

What if a belief in separateness, similar to a belief in a flat world, had become our truth because it was what we were taught, what we learned, and the only thing we knew? And, what if our humanity, like the round Earth, had an unalterable truth and unbreakable connectedness? What if it were possible only for us to believe we are separate but impossible for us to be anything but connected? And what if, to course-correct our path, all we need to do is relearn our way back into alignment with the truth of our humanity, our At-One-Ment? 

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